
The Gift of Growing & Sharing Food

Fall 2023 — Gardeners and produce growers throughout the Helena Valley donate fresh produce to Helena Food Share each summer. Over the past three months, cars and trucks bearing fresh…

Kid Packs: More Important than Ever

July 2022 – As August approaches, the start of school looms large for many Helena-area families. A few questions facing students might be: “Will I like my new teacher? Will…

Grocery Stores to the Rescue

Jan 2021 When grocery shopping, do you ever wonder how items get to the stores or what happens to products not ultimately sold? At Helena Food Share, the food we…

The Roots of Good Nutrition

May 2021 What is more satisfying than a juicy strawberry, freshly picked from the garden and warm from the sunshine? Succulent fruit is one of the many treasures found in…

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