
“We believe nutritious food is a building block for healthy communities.”

– from Helena Food Share Philosophy

Nutrition is a primary focus of all we do at Helena Food Share. We believe our community is healthier when everyone has access to nutritious food. When people have the necessary nutrients to support human health, they have more energy, stronger immune systems, and experience increased overall mental and physical health.

Balanced nutrition is central to all our food-sharing programs:

  • Grocery Share provides fresh produce, grains, dairy, eggs, and meat for customers in the pantry to support healthy eating.
  • The Farm Stand offers a wide variety of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables throughout the growing season.
  • The Garden and High Tunnel grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs for our Grocery Share, Farm Stand, and Education programs.
  • In partnership with the Montana Harvest of the Month program, Montana-grown products and recipes are featured each month in the pantry.
  • Charlie Cart cooking demonstrations are held each week in the Pantry, showing how easy it is to create healthy and delicious meals.
  • Fresh Is Best store food drives are held throughout the year, encouraging shoppers to donate fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Nutrition Partners work with us to provide food for our neighbors in need who have special health requirements: Food Is Care & Food Farmacy Grant programs

Want to Learn More?

Check out the Resource Links on this page, watch for upcoming events that support our nutrition initiatives on the Helena Food Share Calendar, and check out our  Blog posts to learn how Helena Food Share supports nutrition in our community

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