Kid Packs Make the Difference

Kid Packs are a special pack of kid-friendly foods that provides a source of weekend nutrition during the school year for kids at risk of hunger due to circumstances in their homes.

How to Get a Kid Pack:

If you know a child who would benefit from receiving a Kid Pack each week to support their nutrition over the weekend, talk to their principal or school counselor. They will make sure a Kid Pack is in the child’s bag each Friday to take home for the weekend during the school year.

What Goes in a Kid Pack?




Low-Sugar Granola Bars




Kamut *

Fruit Cups

Sun Butter


Beef Stick *

* Montana Made Products

We work to offer high nutrition, Montana-made products in all of our food programs. This year’s Kid Packs feature Kamut  (a roasted grain snack) from Big Sandy, MT, and Beef Sticks from High Country in Lincoln, MT.

Want to Help?

Each school year, the demand for Kid Packs grows. Join us in helping ensure children in Helena have the nutrition they need to grow, learn, and play. Your donation to Helena Food Share will support the Kid Pack program.

If you’d like to champion Kid Packs, help us fund the Kid Pack program, join other businesses, churches, and organizations, and become a Kid Pack Champion. Contact Maddie Balachowski for details.