Carrot Soup
Figuring out how to make our groceries last nicely for two or three weeks at a time, the very food in our own pantries begs the question: What’s for dinner?
My son and I had a discussion about how to make the produce in our respective kitchens last as long as possible, and here are some ideas that we came up with for those last few days when you think you don’t have ingredients for anything tempting. Think again. If you’ve saved your heartiest produce for last, you’ve got some fabulous options.
- 8 good sized carrots
- 3 cups chicken broth, or water with 3 bouillon cubes
- 1 cup plain yogurt
- 1 tsp dill
- Salt and pepper
Slice the carrots up and bring them to a boil in the chicken broth. Reduce heat to simmer and cook until the carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and using either a blender or a food processor, puree the soup. Add the dill, and salt & pepper to taste. Let cool for about five minutes. Blend in the yogurt. It’s important to let the soup rest and cool down slightly, about 10 minutes or so, before adding the yogurt so that it doesn’t curdle when you add it. This soup is lovely in its simplicity and can be served hot or chilled.
You can certainly dress this soup up with any number of things: add an onion and/or some celery along with the carrots. Add some fresh herbs at the last moment. Get crazy and toss some croutons or toasted spiced pumpkin seeds on top.
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